Sunday, January 20, 2008

Being a "wordsmith" is a repected profession

If? If you follow a simple example your submission will reach the top of the table and you will be published. Is that all you write for?
Do a book to let people know how to wash their dog because someone said that is a good idea for a book; write a book for the Christmas shoppers - it is all wrong, write to express yourself or bring to the fore something important, something that requires your writing skills. Please don't write to catch a wave. Why? Because you will see your writing skills go up and down like the seasons. Once you are off the shelf your effort may become meaningless to the reading public and eventually vanish as time goes on.
The word "publisher" echoes and reverberates because that is all you are thinking about. Please write because you have something important to say. If writing is for you, and you have true talent - you will eventually become a published author, it is inevitable. It is so easy to get published in this electronic age and so easy to get known, it is a long tail and people are searching deeper to find good literature. Don't seek to be at the top of the list, simply seek to be the best in your niche. What I am saying is: it is more important to be a writer than to get your work published. It is true. A good writer can write for television documentaries, write business letters, produce newsletters at work or for their favourite association; they write letters that friends look out for, they keep friends interested in their work, by sharing their stories and work in progress.
A good writer easily catches the eye from those around him or her, they earn respect and don't be surprised they are always called upon to act as a "consultant" when their co-workers are working with the english language or other languages. A writer is respected and being a writer is no different from being a tradesman, they are a "wordsmith."
Sean Tarquini received a liberal education at York University, Canada and other sources in general and has been writing for 14 years, he works on literature and audio/visual presentations. Sean's books are available at and at